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Hansel and Gretel Sock Yarn
Mermaid Kingdom Minis collection
Nutmeg Yarn
Mermaid Lagoon - Mermaid Kingdom Collection
Kenough - Candy Kisses DK 50 Gram Skein
Apricot Swirl - Candy Kisses DK 50 Gram Skein
Shamrock Splash - Candy Kisses DK 50 Gram Skein
Mr. Blue Sky - Candy Kisses DK 50 Gram Skein
Silent Night
Peaches and Cream Barbie Glitz Series
Wrapped Candies Sparkle Penny Candy Stitch Markers
Zesty Lemon Sparklers - Candy Kisses DK 50 Gram Skein
Sour Watermelon - Candy Kisses DK 50 Gram Skein
Black Licorice - Candy Kisses DK 50 Gram Skein
Siren's Song - Mermaid Kingdom Collection
Fish Scales & Mermaid Tails - Mermaid Kingdom Collection
Kiwi Kisses Gumball Mini Skein for Haunted House MKAL
Taffy Gumball Mini yarn in a tiny dessert cup
Palm Springs - Candy Kisses DK 50 Gram Skein
Marzipan Apple Yarn from the Cinnamon Spice and Everything Nice Collection